You might be the reason why your bank
account is always at zero why you almost
don't always never have cash while you
always end up questioning yourself where
does my paycheck go for the week see
your money habits could be keeping you
We are going to look at six bad
money habits that are keeping you broke
and how you can fix them. Let's hop into it.
1.You like to order everything:
You want everything you see online
delivered right to your door, and yes
these platforms they're great, they're
amazing for convenience. But if your main
issue is you never have enough money
This should be the first area you should
cut, given that most of these platforms
will jack up the prices 20, 30, 40, 50
on a specific product, on top of the
shipping fee, so you end up overpaying
for a bowl of chipotle. Stop being lazy,
go and pick up the food and watch just
how much money you save at the end of
the month
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2. You use buy now pay
Later if you've ever hit checkout and
you consider hovering that buying now,
pay later . Then you should have this
reminder letting you know you can't afford
that item.
You're probably too broke to buy that at
that moment. If you can't buy whatever
you're trying to buy at once, and you're
trying to spill it up in installments, then you
should know i am too broke to buy this
right now, and i cannot afford this. That
should be your mentality. It's similar to
credit cards you should never put
something on a credit card that you can't
pay off immediately. The only reason
you're using that credit card, it's to build up
your credit score. But if you're loading up
your credit card and you think hmm this
will take me six months to pay off, just
know you can't afford that.
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3. You're not protecting your identity:
This is the easiest way to go broke you
know how many credit cards get stolen and
swiped a day we're talking a credit card
probably every second and now
somebody's using your bank account
and your credit cards and it's driving
you into a hole for years. identity theft
has been america's highest crime that
affects millions of americans yet
despite this, those who are affected by
identity theft are often left shocked
when this happens this is why i love our
sponsor aura just imagine you try to log
into your email account only to see that
your password changed a few minutes ago
then you start seeing charges coming
into your bank account into your credit
card that's when all the feelings of
fear panic anxiety sometimes even guilt
start to settle in see with aura
i don't have to worry aura is an
identity theft protection fraud
monitoring vpn password management and
anti-virus software all combined into
one easy to use application and see when
it comes to fraud every second matters
with aura you connect your bank account
and your credit cards and you get
notified up to four times faster than
any of their competitors their vpn then
allows you to keep your browsing history
online confidential and all your
personal information encrypted and their
anti-virus software will block all
malware and viruses from your devices
before it affects them i want you to
protect you and your family from
america's fastest growing crime you can
try aura for free for two weeks and see
if any of your personal information has
already been compromised online if you
guys go to tmf or click the
link down below you're gonna get that
free two-week trial and see just how
well protected you can be if you guys
want to check it out it'll be linked
down below
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4. Not knowing how much you spent:
if you are asked right now how much do
you spend, can you provide an exact
number? probably not, this is the
biggest problem when you're broke
because you don't know where your money
is going. This is similar to people that
try to lose weight, you will be surprised
by just how much you overspend in every
category of your life if you were just
to sit down and do one month's worth of
expenses and detail everything; every
uber, every streaming service, every item
that you buy, every little thing, every
gym membership you'll be surprised as to
how much you can save, if you get rid of
all the excess bulk, you need to know
where your money is going.
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5. You're a consumer and not a creator:
See for big businesses you're a number
That's all you are , a number sign in their
big sea of consumption, and they're
just pumping cash. and i'm not telling you
to completely stop consuming whether it's
content or product but i'm telling you
to switch your mindset into a creator.
Look we are naturally creators as human
beings we are built to create things, to
build things and to solve problems. When
you are in a constant state of consumption
that means you're in a constant state of
drainage whether that's money or time i
want you to switch that around and start
creating in your life. Whether that's a
business, whether that's creating content.
Whatever that you are creating, you're
going to switch the script and go from
giving up your time and money to
receiving time and money you need to
start creating more which exactly rolls
us to number six.
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6. Learn how to multiply money:
See you need to understand how money
works, how you can make money for
yourself and how you can grow your
personal net worth of course.
If you constantly every month after month
realize, you never have enough money
instead of just sitting there and
allowing that to happen, you should sit
down and start writing a game plan. okay
what can i sell, what can i create, what
can i do that'll gain me an extra 10, 20,
50, 100, 1000 bucks a month and then we
scale slowly and then we build upon that
month, over month, over month.
Again now you're thinking like a creator
you're thinking like a businessman. You
have to know and understand how money
that's it for your boy see you next time