Thursday, 8 September 2022

Six morning habits that keeps you broke

You might be the reason why your bank

account is always at zero why you almost

don't always never have cash while you

always end up questioning yourself where

does my paycheck go for the week see

your money habits could be keeping you


We are going to look at six bad 

money habits that are keeping you broke 

and how you can fix them. Let's hop into it.


1.You like to order everything:

 You want everything you see online 

delivered right to your door, and yes

these platforms they're great, they're

amazing for convenience. But if your main

issue is you never have enough money 

This should be the first area you should

cut, given that most of these platforms

will jack up the prices 20, 30, 40, 50

on a specific product, on top of the

shipping fee, so you end up overpaying

for a bowl of chipotle. Stop being lazy,

go and pick up the food and watch just

how much money you save at the end of

the month 

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2. You use buy now pay

Later if you've ever hit checkout and

you consider hovering that buying now,

pay later . Then you should have this

reminder letting you know you can't afford 

that item.

You're probably too broke to buy that at 

that moment.  If you can't buy whatever 

you're trying to buy at once, and you're 

trying to spill it up in installments, then you 

should know i am too broke to buy this 

right now, and i cannot afford this. That 

should  be your mentality.  It's similar to 

credit cards you should never put 

something on a credit card that you can't 

pay off immediately. The only reason 

you're using that credit card, it's to build up 

your credit score. But if you're loading up

your credit card and you think hmm this

will take me six months to pay off, just

know you can't afford that.

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3. You're not protecting your identity: 

This is the easiest way to go broke you 

know how many credit cards get stolen and

swiped a day we're talking a credit card 

probably every second and now 

somebody's using your bank account

and your credit cards and it's driving

you into a hole for years. identity theft

has been america's highest crime that

affects millions of americans yet

despite this, those who are affected by

identity theft are often left shocked

when this happens this is why i love our

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 4. Not knowing how much you spent:

 if  you are asked right now how much do 

you spend, can you provide an exact 

number? probably not, this is the

biggest problem when you're broke

because you don't know where your money

is going. This is similar to people that

try to lose weight, you will be surprised

by just how much you overspend in every

category of your life if you were just

to sit down and do one month's worth of

expenses and detail everything; every

uber, every streaming service, every item

that you buy, every little thing, every

gym membership you'll be surprised as to

how much you can save, if you get rid of

all the excess bulk, you need to know

where your money is going.

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5. You're a consumer and not a creator:

See for big businesses you're a number 


That's all you are , a number sign in their 

big sea of consumption, and they're

just pumping cash. and i'm not telling you 

to completely stop consuming whether it's

content or product but i'm telling you

to switch your mindset into a creator.

Look we are naturally creators as human

beings we are built to create things, to

build things and to solve problems. When 

you are in a constant state of consumption

that means you're in a constant state of

drainage whether that's money or time i

want you to switch that around and start

creating in your life. Whether that's a

business, whether that's creating content.

Whatever that you are creating, you're

going to switch the script and go from

giving up your time and money to

receiving time and money you need to

start creating more which exactly rolls

us to number six.

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6. Learn how to multiply money:

 See you need to understand how money 

works, how you can make money for 

yourself and how you can grow your 

personal net worth of course.

If you constantly every month after month

realize, you never have enough money

instead of just sitting there and

allowing that to happen, you should sit

down and start writing a game plan.  okay

what can i sell, what can i create, what

can i do that'll gain me an extra 10, 20,

50, 100,  1000 bucks a month and then we

scale slowly and then we build upon that

month, over month, over month.

 Again now you're thinking like a creator 

you're thinking like a businessman. You 

have to know and understand how money 


that's it for your boy see you next time

Seven Morning Tips To Build Muscles Faster

 Doing exercises in the morning is one of 

the time in building muscles. We are going 

to be discussing seven morning 

routines and habits you can use in  

building muscles faster.

These seven simple habits that youcan 

do on a daily basis will help you build 

muscle faster. Let's hop into this.

1. weigh yourself daily: Now yes i'm 

gonna be honest it's a little excessive,

but for me any sort of mental boost or

motivation i can use to get into the gym

will help me get to a closer goal of

building more muscle see the point is

that when you step on the weight it

keeps you accountable a lot of times.

Similar to your finances, people like to

ignore the problem even though it's

happening so for example, for me the

problem would be losing weight i'm a

hard gainer i need to be consuming 

food and being at the gym constantly to 

keep the weight on my frame.

If i know i'm losing weight the last

thing i want to do is step on the scale

because it's going to bring into reality

the fact that i've been lacking in some

area of my life so making it a habit of

stepping on the scale daily is just that

one thing that you can do to keep you

accountable and make it a reality that

you're either gaining too much weight 

or losing too much weight, so you can 

get back into the gym.

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2. Go to sleep in workout clothes: 

Similar to the scale, once again 

anything you can do to make your

life easier, to motivate you to step into

the gym, will help you build more 

muscle faster. Because the problem  is

consistency. The problem with a lot of

people is sticking to their diet and

sticking to their workout regimen

because it becomes hard or you don't

have time. one of the best hacks you 

can use is going to sleep with the

clothes that you are going to go to the 

gym with.  That way, you already 

mentally prepared the night before. that 

you waking up in the morning and you 

going into the gym and then, when you 

do wake up in the morning. You have 

reduced all the friction to the point that 

you just have to put on my shoes and 

you out the door.

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3. Take your supplements: I can

guarantee you right now that nobody

reading this article has a balanced diet. 

You have to see your body as a 


And for it to grow the muscle it needs, 

it'll need those basic building blocks,so 

your muscles can function like your 

protein, your vitamins, your minerals 

etc. These are ingredients you should 

be getting from your diet but you 

probably aren't and that's where 

supplementation comes in.

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4.  Stretch  your muscles

See your muscles have been cramped 

up for eight to ten hours as you slept. i 

want you to stretch that out and loosen 

them up.

That way, it gets you prepared for your

workout or for the day. On top of that

you can also even prime your muscles

with simple bodyweight exercises like

push-ups or crunches or even squats 

just to get some of that blood flowing

through your body and feel more


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5. Get some vitamin D

As soon as you wake up, you should 

be looking for that vitamin d. That 

natural vitamin d does two things; One 

vitamin D is essential for muscle 

growth.  Two, it's also good for your 

internal body clock. When you go to 

sleep, don't keep yourself in a dark 

room because it's going to keep you 

lazy. It's going to keep you wanting to 

stay in bed. But as soon as that sun 

hits you, it's a sign to your brain into 

the rest of your body that you have to 

wake up and it's like a natural coffee 

shop, it gives you the energy, you need 

to take on the day.

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 6. Take a cold shower: Look this

is not some crazy, you're gonna get a

six-pack if you do cold showers. But it

does help with one crucial aspect; your

mental toughness.  Your ability to do

something you do not want to do which 

is usually the mentality you have when 

it comes to dieting or going to the gym 

and also it's a natural adrenaline boost 

similar to the sun which is going to 

keep you, from having to be drinking 

energy drinks all day and keep your 

mood high. Finally takes us to number 


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7. Drink a glass of water

Actually i want you to drink a lot of

water as dehydration has been

scientifically proven to reduce protein

synthesis in the muscle, it also can

increase protein breakdown which is

essentially telling you that they're

going to look depleted and they're 

going to be weaker.  If you want your 

muscles to look fuller, take more water. 

That's it for me today, i'm telling you 

guys these are seven easy habits 

anybody can do to increase their 

muscle build.

See you guys next time

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Thursday, 1 September 2022

How To Impress Anyone In Less Than Five Seconds

 How to impress anyone in less than five seconds

See there's going to be multiple situations in life where you're going to want to impress somebody instantly and what you don't understand it's not how much you talk,it's not about how long you know them, you can impress them in as little as five seconds.

Studies have shown that within the first 30 seconds people have already made judgments of you, justify how you look and how you carry yourself and anything after that, any interaction after that, they pretty much will judge you with that same lens and it's very hard to deviate from that, which means you have about five seconds to make an impression and today i'm going to show you what to manipulate to make a killer first impression let's hop into this

One. Obviously your style

 See you need to understand that your style it's like your personal brand but in the real world.

You know how like, on instagram you would cater your feed to look a certain way, well instagram is like your online avatar that's the version of you that's online.

 That same level of detail and care you put on instagram should be on you every single day when you wear clothes. 

variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-numeric: normal; vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap;">The clothing that you wear sends messages whether you like it or not and when you know how to manipulate that appropriately for every single situation, then you're gonna be powerful.


Two. How you smell

 Remember we're trying to impress people in seconds right, so on top of visual it's going to be their olfactory senses that kick in too. 

If you don't smell like anything you won't be memorable, if you smell horrible the memories that you're going to leave behind are going to be horrendous.

 Nobody's going to want to stay there and talk to you, matter of fact most people are going to be in a hurry to get the hell out of there because they think man, this guy is not even hygienic but if you smell great, if you smell unique it would be a pleasant memory.

you need to understand our brain has an olfactory bulb and that thing will always get sparked with scent.

So on top of being pleasant to the point that people will want to stay and talk to you, you'll also leave a memorable impression that was pleasant, so every time they smell that or think of that it'll always be in a positive light.


Three. Your car

ont-size: 13pt; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-numeric: normal; font-weight: 700; vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap;">


And no i'm not talking you have to have the latest bmw or mercedes.

No, I don't care what year your car is, it's all about how clean it is that matters.

 Your car is a representation of yourself, so when that girl hops into that car and that thing smells like a gym locker room because you got your sweaty gym clothes in the back, you got water bottles all over the place, it's a legit fret house on wheels, i'm telling you she's gonna start questioning whether she even wants to go back home with you.

 But if that same car is cleaned out, it smells amazing, it's like spotless, when she gets into that car her mind's racing like yo why is this guy so clean, how is this guy so clean you're gonna be the anomaly.


ily: Arial; font-size: 15pt; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-numeric: normal; font-weight: 700; vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap;">Four. Smile and eye contact

 This is the most powerful thing you can do for a memorable impression when you meet somebody.

 You got those first two three seconds in, you wanna be here,you wanna be strong, you wanna shake the hand you wanna give them a good smile.

 See this just shows that on top of you being friendly it shows your confidence and that lasting impression will last the entire conversation.

 So now in their head they're thinking this, i'm dealing with somebody that's confident, everything you say will come through a confident lens.

 Five. You start the conversation

 You start the interaction, as soon as you do that, let's say there's a girl you like and you're the one that goes up to her.

 You're already starting from a place of power and assertiveness because you have decided when this conversation starts.

Now you can start talking to her and again you're adding to that confidence framework right now in her head she thinks "yo this guy's super confident".

 I also want you to control when it ends. see, don't linger around, don't stay there for five minutes just because you love her and she's vibing with you.

No cut it short, leave her wanting more. you can connect later so you go up you start talking to her, yeah and be like oh you know what i gotta go, i have to go do this, cut that thing short. ask for her number then you get out of there,you control the entire framework of that interaction by doing this.

nt-east-asian: normal; font-variant-numeric: normal; font-weight: 700; vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap;">Six. I want you to work in silence

 A lot of times amongst men or even amongst women you'll want to do a comparison.

I call it dick sizesing, where you want to start measuring dick sizes, who has more, who has the better clothes, who has the better car, the better apartment, the better job, etc.

 If you work in silence and I'm talking you're just grinding right.

You're not a talker, you work and work and work you're going to be in a room and this happens, i'm telling you where you'll see a bunch of men bragging about their rolex datejust and you're just sitting there with the patek on your wrist.

 There's levels to this and it gets to a point that your work speaks for you without you even having to lift a finger,work in silence.

 That's it from your boy, see you next time.

Secret Facebook group to get a remote Job as a freelancer

Being a freelancer and not getting gigs can be quite discouraging, and for most freelancers, their go to platforms for searching and landing...